Thursday, April 15, 2010

My visit to the doctor

So here is the plan. I had my visit with my specialist yesterday and after a big chat about the different options available to me to combat this bleeding I have settled on the Mirena device. This is a device that sits in the uterus and keeps the lining thin by secreting hormones directly into that area. You are less likely to have side effects with it such as cramping, mood swings, bloating etc like you do with the pill because the hormone is released in the one area so not much of it ends up in your bloodstream. The device will be effective for 3 to 5 years. My doctor also wants to do a hysteroscopy which is where they insert a telescope through the cervix into the uterus to have a look at everything, and he will be able to take a sample of my lining and run some tests on it to make sure there is nothing more nasty going on. So on May 13 I am going in for day surgery to have both the hysteroscopy and the Mirena put in. Hopefully after that I will have no more of these horrid episodes of bleeding and I will start feeling better.

I am feeling pretty comfortable with my choice and proud of myself for making it. My doctor had a big chat with me to make sure that this was definitely what I wanted to do, that I didn't want to try for another baby for the next few years. I basically said to him that actually I did want another baby and that I can't lie about that. But that it is not in me right now to do more IVF and that natural is not working - we have not used contraception for 15 months since Xavier was born and nothing has happened. While I would be more than happy to just keep trying naturally forever and if it happened then it happened and if not then fine, that is putting me at the mercy of this bleeding which I can no longer live with either. So the best choice is to eliminate the bleeding, get myself back on track health wise, enjoy my son and of course my husband, and maybe in 3 to 5 years when the device comes out we may feel differently. Maybe we won't and I will get another device put in if I find it helps. Maybe I will have it in me to try naturally again. Maybe we will adopt. Maybe we will want to give IVF another try. Who knows what the future will bring.

While I am a little sad I feel pretty positive all up, and proud of myself for being brave. After living with this problem for so long and being to scared to go to the doctor and get it sorted because I couldn't bare to say goodbye to the TTC wagon, I have finally took the plunge and done it. It was hard but I was able to get through it. Go me!


  1. very proud of you, hun!!! Yay!!!

    Sorry about missing you on messenger! I always have my computer up, but never on it during the day while I'm working, so it's hard to catch me. :( I'm sorry! I wasn't ignoring you...I promise!!

  2. You have been VERY brave to go and see about this! That first step to the doctor is always tough and scary, but you did it! I'll be praying about your procedure on May 13. Hoping all goes well and that this will have been the very best choice for you!
