Thanks Tammy and Amy for travelling across from the old blog to the new one. Thank you Amy for the comments on Xavier's name. Yes I love it too! The reason we chose that name is a nice story. I was originally stuck on the name Samuel for a boy because of the story of Hannah from the Bible. I was totally in love with the name but then when we had the 20 week ultrasound and they told us we were having a boy, I all of a sudden felt directed away from the name. It was really strange but I just knew we were not having a Samuel! So Joel and I sat down and got out the old baby book and read out names from it together. If we liked a name we would then look at its meaning and see if it was significant to us. We got to the name "Xavier" and both of us lit up instantly and said we loved it. Then we looked at the meaning and saw that Xavier means "a bright new home". We were sold on the name then! As lots of you going through infertility know, sometimes your home can become a sad place at times. There are empty rooms with no kids in them, injections and hormones in your bathroom cupboard, lots of tears shed in bed at night etc. We just knew our boy would make our home into a beautiful place and bring joy into it. Sure enough he did!
Speaking of Xavier, I couldn't be more proud of him! He got his new glasses a week ago (you might remember from my old blog that he has been having some problems with his motor development and that this has recently been put down to some problems with his eye sight) and he is doing so well with them! It has really positively impacted on everything from the way he plays with his toys, to his ability to pick up his food and feed himself, and he is now enjoying books and different things that he didn't show much interest in previously. Here is my gorgeous boy in his specs. Hope you like his t shirt too! I found it online:
Lastly, some news on me: I am booked into my specialist to sort my bleeding issues out on April 14. I am proud of myself for making the appointment. I am a little sad I can't lie. This was heightened by the passing of March 6 this weekend which would have been my due date if my pregnancy last year had have turned out better. However most of me is peaceful and even excited at the prospect of having this horrible health problem sorted. It has been a terrible thing to endure since I was about 13 and it has caused me everything from embarrasment in high school to blood transfusions due to iron deficiency. It will be nice to not even have to think about it anymore.
Have a wonderful week everyone!
Jo xoxoxo
Definitely thinking and praying for your friend! Keep us posted!
ReplyDeleteLove the picture of Xavier!! He's so precious!!
Hi!!! So good to see you back and finally get a look at the "real you"! haha So sorry about your friend, I will certainly pray for her. Please let her know she has many out here who care.
ReplyDeleteSorry you are so far away, but as you said, the journey to our event would be quite impossible! Your friend could really benefit from this event. We are supposed to video the programs, so if all goes well (on the technical end), I will try to get a copy and send it your way!
Much to do in preparation! Naomi will be here tomorrow!!!
Love seeing your little man in his glasses - too cute!