Thursday, February 24, 2011

It's about time...

I posted again! I seriously win the award for the world's most laziest blogger these days. To be honest I think sometimes that I feel I don't have anything too exciting to say. A lot of you are still going through your baby journey - going to appointments and waiting to find out exciting news - that stuff is exciting. What I am doing at the moment is just living life. I am having a great time, it's lovely. But it just sometimes doesn't make for interesting reading lol.

Xavier is going wonderfully. I took him to his 2 year old check up at the maternal health centre yesterday and he got a great report. There are still some delays that we are working on but we are getting there and he continues to progress. You might remember he moved up to the next room level at his daycare recently? Well he is doing well in the room and having an absolute ball with the bigger kids. It has been great for him and he has really come out of his shell since joining the room.

As for the latest on my sister and my niece and nephew - some of you might remember my last post before Christmas when I mentioned that we had finally tracked down an address for my niece and nephew and had been able to send them a Christmas card. We were hopeful for a response of some kind but unfortuneately we didn't get one. My thoughts lean towards perhaps my sister's ex intercepted the card. He is very bitter towards her and perhaps is carrying the grudge towards us. I don't have any proof of this though, I am just assuming.

My Dad had his 60th birthday earlier this month and my sister came, so it was the first time I had seen her in almost 2 years, and the first time she had seen Xavier since he was 8 weeks old. We didn't speak. I had come the party knowing she might come, and for my Dad's sake even though I still don't really want her in my life, I was prepared to be nice on the day if it happened that she spoke to me. The party went fine but on a couple of occassions during the day she tried to start trouble by causing a scene, so as it turned out I kept my distance from her. It makes me sad because although I ultimately made the decision to end contact with my sister because of her behaviour, I would like to think that sometime she might try to make some positive changes to her life and behaviour and try to right a few wrongs. But she was up to her old tricks again at Dad's party so it was disappointing.

Anyway I better sign off. Hope you all have a great week and I promise to be a better blogger from this moment forward ! :) haha


  1. I always LOVE hearing about your life!! I'm always excited to hear from you. :)

    Glad Xavier's appointment went well! You sound good!!

  2. I had so much catching up to do on your blog! I'm so happy for all of Xavier's progress with the surgery and his developmental progress as well. So glad to read that you are all doing well! I've been a rather lazy blogger, too, so don't beat yourself up over it. :)
    Love reading your updates! Sad to hear about the relationship with your sister, though. I hope it may somehow improve.
