Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Catching up with everyone
It has been totally crazy at our house. We have been awaiting a surgery date for Xavier to have his eye re-done. On Tues I got a call from the hospital that he would be operated on next Weds on Sept 1. The next day (which was Weds just gone) he woke up covered in these funny spots all over his face. I had no idea what they were - they didn't look like measles or chicken pox and besides which he has been immunised against all of those. They were like tiny pimples with yellow tips. Straight to the doctor we went and it turns out he has Impetigo (school sores). Because they are highly contagious Xavier is kind of under house arrest, which means so am I. So no daycare for him and no work for me. Everything that he touches has to be cleaned straight away for fear of Joel and myself catching it or of him reinfecting himself. This means all towels, face washers, bed linen, stuffed toys etc all have to be continually washed and disinfected. On top of having my little boy needing my attention because the poor little lamb feels awful (the sores itch and make him feel achey/feverish) it is also tough work keeping everything hygenic. I had to call the hospital and imform them that he has Impetigo. They said if the sores are gone by Mon (he is not contagious once the sores are gone) then I can take him to the doctor and ask for a medical clearance. If I can get a signed medical clearance form on Monday then the surgery will go ahead. If not, then the surgery will be postponed. To tell you the truth I don't mind either way. Whatever is meant to be, will be. If we have to wait then never mind.
The other thing that this has also affected is Joel's 29th birthday which is on Sat. We had a big dinner planned with both sides of our family but we have now cancelled it. While we were both looking forward to it of course we don't mind having to cancel for our little man. We are now going to get take away pizza just the three of us, and I will bake a mudcake. Then when Xav goes to bed Joel and I will watch a movie. I have the best present organised for Joel but I will tell you all after I give it to him in case he sees the blog lol.
Lots of love to all of you. May you all have fabulous weekends and thanks for continuing to put up with my erratic posting xoxoxoxo
Monday, August 2, 2010
This post is overdue...
Xavier's eye specialist Dr H recently returned from holidays and we had an appointment with him. The paperwork was filed for Xavier to return to hospital for another operation - I am just waiting for the hospital to call me with a date. It should be in the next month or so.
When we saw the paediatrician back in May to discuss Xavier's delayed motor skills he asked me during the visit whether there was any medical problems in the family history. I mentioned that as a baby/young child Joel suffered from chronic ear infections and had to have several surgeries to insert grommits etc. He was in pain quite a lot and his speech was quite delayed due to not being able to hear at full function. Even now he suffers from ear and sinus pain from time to time, especially when he gets a cold. The paed said in that case, even though his speech/communication doesn't appear to be delayed we may as well send Xavier for a hearing test just because of the family history. We did that a couple weeks ago and the test actually showed that he wasn't picking up lower frequency sounds as well as he should. So they then did a pressure test on the ear which they put a device in the ear which measured the vibrations of the ear. It should be vibrating a certain amount for normal hearing ability. The test showed he has reduced vibration which indicates fluid in the ears (which was Joel's problem). Because things like that can be caused by something as simple as a cold or teething, and that can in turn have affected his hearing for the test, we are being retested again in September to compare results. If they are normal then we have nothing to worry about. If they are the same again then we will have to see the audiologist and have further tests done. My poor little munchkin always at the doctors. I must say though he is so laid back nothing seems to bother him. He's a brave boy.
And my gosh I sound like a hypochondriac but I have actually been really sick for about 3 weeks with a mouth infection. I started to get what I thought was a virus/ stomach bug a few weeks ago. My stomach felt churny and I felt like I had a slight fever. It didn't seem to go away and I started feeling worse and then my mouth started hurting. I have got a wisdom teeth which only partially came up through the gum (it is trapped by another tooth) and it has been like that for years and never been an issue. But it started to hurt and then my gum started swelling up around it. I never put two and two together and associated my "virus" with my mouth. I called the dentist and couldn't get an appointment for two days and I thought that would be fine as it wasn't hurting too much. But by the time the appointment came the infection had gotten a lot worse. The gum had swollen into a huge ball onto of the tooth. And my whole mouth felt sore as if I had burnt it. Also a section of my tongue was also starting to swell. I was given some antibiotics and was told to come back when the infection went away because he can't touch the tooth while it is infected. I have been so sick with this infection and have only just started feeling better thank goodness. I have not been a happy camper at all.
Stacey asked me to post a pic of my bunnies so here we go:
The white one on the left is Bonnie she is 6 years old. We originally had her with Albert, a 2 year old who looked just like her and then he had to be put to sleep due to a brain tumor. We were terribly upset. So we have now got Jimmy who is the one on the right (his colouring is called seal point). Jimmy is only 1 year old and he is like a silly playful puppy. He is just beautiful. Because Bon is so much older she is a much quieter bunny and often looks at him jumping around with a look on her face like "what in the world are you doing now???". But its amazing how they really seem to love each other so much even though they are so different. Bunnies don't have a grieving period like humans and often when they lose a mate they fret and become so depressed and all they want is the comfort of another body to snuggle with. When Jimmy came into our home that was certainly true for Bonnie as when Albert died she did go very quiet and just slept a lot. She was introduced to Jimmy and all she wanted was to sit up against him and have someone near her again. It was so very sweet. And poor Jimmy came from a situation where he was owned by a young girl who bought him from a pet shop as a baby bunny. She kept him in a cage and fed him commercial rabbit mix which is generally full of dried corn and seed and sugar and things that are bad for bunnies. People don't often do this out of meaness, a lot of vets and pet stores just give out totally wrong advice. People dont realise rabbits need several hours of free run exercise time a day and that their staple diet should be hay, with some fresh veggies and I also like to give a small amount of a high quality pellet so they get all their vitamins and minerals. When Jimmy came home he didn't know how to eat hay. He had only recently came to the rescue and they had been introducing it to him but it was still very new to him. I had to work very hard to get him eating a good amount of it, and Bonnie helped him too by showing him how it was done. Anyway that's the buns and they give us so much joy.
And lastly - we have an almost 3 year old dalmatian called Benji. His doggy mum Charli just had her second litter of puppies (Benji was one of the first litter). There were 9 in the litter and Joel, Xav and I went to see the pups last night (they are only 2 days old). And uh oh I have to say Joel and I both fell in love with a little girl puppy. The puppy has the tip of its ear missing. It was quite a difficult birth and had to be vet assisted, then ended up being a c section. Apparently this little one came out still in the sac and the vet had to cut it open. They think perhaps the ear was nicked in the process. She is just adorable and the ear thing has given her a real character. Joel and I have such a soft spot for the underdog. We will always like the cat that can't see or the dog with the missing leg. I think its why we like this little girl with the tip of her ear missing. Don't be surprised ladies and gents if we have a new puppy in the mix soon - we are both a bit smitten.
Well ok I better head off. Just want to say before I sign off - thanks to each and every one of you who leave comments for me here. You dont know how much they mean to me. It's fantastic to have so much support. And a special hello to Dianne who it's very nice to hear from again after the arrival of her little girl!
Have a great week everyone xoxoxoxo